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Recognition of Cambridge Certification
The Cambridge ESOL examinations are recognised by thousands of employers, universities & colleges, professional bodies and ministry & government organisations throughout the world.
They are linked to the Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE) levels and to the Council of Europe's Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and are the only certificated examinations referred to in the framework document as specifically linked to it by a long-term research programme.
They can open doors to higher education, improve job prospects and, because the qualifications are so well known globally, increase mobility.
Ministry & Government Organisations
Cambridge ESOL qualifications are recognised at different levels by Ministry and Government organisations for many purposes, such as the recruitment of government officials and for training teachers in the State School sector.
Employers and Professional Bodies
Siemens, Sony, GlaxoSmithKline, Nestlé, Microsoft, Adidas and Coca-Cola are among some of the international organisations who have used Cambridge ESOL examinations as a benchmark to establish the English language abilities of their staff and for training purposes. More than 2,500 employers around the world are using Cambridge ESOL qualifications.
Professional bodies, such as the General Medical Council (GMC) in the UK and the American Association of Veterinary State Boards (AAVSB), require an IELTS band-score for entrance purposes.
Universities and Colleges
Over 200 universities & colleges in the UK recognise the English language ability demonstrated by the award of a Certificate in Advanced English (CAE), Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) or IELTS 6.0, 6.5.
For a list of organisations using Cambridge ESOL examinations, please search our recognition database, which you can access from the link in the top left corner.
The PL2000 project aimed to meet the communication and certification needs of students, as defined by the Council of Europe's Common European Framework . As part of the project, students in elementary and secondary education were given the opportunity to gain internationally recognised certificates in English, French, German or Spanish, with financial support from the state.

The Ministry emphasised that international certificates should provide 'added value'. Because the Cambridge ESOL exams are recognised internationally, they can be used not only as part of the Italian school system, but also for international purposes to aid mobility. To support the project, Cambridge ESOL established a local team of presenters across Italy , who ran over 150 seminars between January 2000 and June 2001 alone. Over 2,500 teachers per year were reached though the formal seminar programme and dedicated seminar material was developed to respond to the needs of Italian teachers. Although the project is now complete, the number of students taking Cambridge ESOL exams has remained constant as schools throughout Italy continue to prepare candidates for the exams.

See also: