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Our mission:
"To provide language learners and teachers in a wide variety of situations with access to a range of high quality international exams, tests and teaching awards, which will help them to achieve their life goals and have a positive impact on their learning and professional development experience."
Cambridge ESOL exams are the world's leading range of certificates for learners of English. Each year they are taken by over 1.75 million people, in 135 countries. The exams are linked to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, published by the Council of Europe.
The exams are characterised by:
  • a total commitment to assessment of the highest quality
  • recognition by universities, employers and official bodies throughout the world
  • excellent support for teachers and test takers

People take Cambridge ESOL exams for many reasons

  • to gain entrance to a university or college
  • to improve their job prospects
  • to measure progress in English
Cambridge ESOL also provides a Special Arrangements service, for example for candidates with learning difficulties, hearing difficulties or visual difficulties.
What we provide:

- Exams and tests for non-native speakers of English
- Courses aimed at preparing candidates for Cambridge Certification
- Seminars and Workshops for teachers
- Online Bookshop & Promotional materials
- Intensive courses in the UK
- Calendars and Entry Procedure Updates